Tuesday, May 23, 2006

My Nonnie can KNIT!

Over Mother's Day weekend I was out shooting a wedding (see below) and a fashion shoot (see below) in Arizona, which was great because I got to see my Nonnie and family out there. Let me tell you about my Nonnie.

Her real name is Matilda Cafiero, hails from Naples, Italy, and is about 4'10" and can roll a mean meat-a-ball. Her english is a little rough and to this day, she has not been able to pronounce my name. "Mark" is very tricky. It comes out, "Mike". "Mark" is way cooler, but the woman just can't speak the best english. And she's my Nonnie and I love her.

Her favorite show is "Docta Pill" (Dr. Phil), and not too long ago she was at the deli and needed service. She said, "Push-a the butt, and the butch will come out", which means "If you ring the buzzer (by pressing the button), there's a butcher in the back who will hear it and come to your assistance".

As I was growing up, she'd always give me good advice, like, "Don't say no to drugs". I think she meant "JUST" say no to drugs, but I decided not to doubt her just because her english is "no so good".

Anyway, she knitted me a beautiful hat and scarf, just in time for summer! Bless her heart. I wore it out this weekend and I just wanted to take use of this blog to say THANK YOU NONNIE!! I love my new duds!

On Saturday, Jenny and I hit up the City Park Driving Range. It's no Troon, I'll tell you that!

And I did a little shopping...

Here I am, hoping that no one sees me stealing a honeydew.

On Splurge Day, Jenny and I had HOT DOGS and BEER! Mmmmm

Oh yeah, that's what I'm talking about!


Is it hot out here, or is it just my new hat and scarf? Maybe both. The temp got in the 90s here in Colorado!

Here I am this morning on my AM jog at Wash Park. Let me tell you, I was turnin' some heads this mornin!

Photos by my woman, Jenny. ALL IMAGES (C) 2006, so don't even THINK about stealing these photos and selling them to modeling agencies!!!!!

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