Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Family Feud!

I never seem to realize what I am getting myself into when I plan a family reunion on my mom's side. But after all the planning is done and I've got all the peeps together, it's without fail a blast of a time.

Just today I sent out my proposal for a Christmas family reunion. I'm proud to say that the last two get togethers were concieved by my email proposal. I'm doing it again because my family is so cool. Here are some shots from our most recent reunion. I think this was like, 3 years ago!

Granny sinks a putt in our putting competition! My cousin Matt in the background is two weeks younger than me and is a Dentist in Scottsdale.

Shelby, takes advantage of an opportunity for some human kibbles. My Granddad's pocket protector in the foreground.

My nephew Jay is upset because Shelby at his torilla chip. My job is not to comfort my nephew, but to DOCUMENT the emotion! ;)

Here's what my Granddad looks like when he's in a good mood. He's in a good mood because it's cocktail hour.

My cousin Russ is at Creighton becoming a dentist, just like his bro. Look how hice his toofs look.

Here's my older sister Gina, under the supervision of my cousin Matt, the dentist. Matt has great teeth too, and Gina lives in a concrete basement with her imaginary friend. We let her out for a quick photo.

Gina pretends to be normal in this one. Man Geenie, you're short!

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