Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Joe's Mandolin

One thing I wanted to do while I was in Arizona last weekend was to get some shots of my grandfather's Mandolin.

To hear the story of my new logo that was designed by Jenny, and the story behind it, click here and scroll down a bit! New Logo

My Grandfather (or Crampa, as we call him) bought this Gibson back in his 20's I think and played at his father's Pizzeria in New York. He played and played and played until he died, which was about 12 or thirten years ago now. We still listen to his music at family reunions, parties (we had it on at my 30th bday party!) and over the holidays. His music has a real classic Italian Jazz sound, with quick melodies like the Tarentella and sumptuous slow Italian ballads. Maybe when I get my iBlog going, I can get some sound clips on the blog. But here's the mandolin he left behind. It's been all over the place and my grandfather's hands have worn through the varnish. My dad and my uncle take turns keeping the mandolin at their homes. Every year or so they make the exchange. My dad played Ave Maria at my little sister's wedding with this mandolin. There's just so much history behind it, I want to keep yackin about it, but I'll spare ya, so here it is!

I love the case. It's totally aged, rivots are missing, old stickers, scratches and scuffs, give it immediate character!

I left the pick in the strings intentionally because it's one thing I always remembered about the mandolin. My grandfather made his own picks.

...And some detail shots

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