Friday, April 14, 2006


I just got back from Vegas, where I was asked to give a 2 hour Master Class presentation (see below) at the Wedding and Portrait Photographers International (WPPI) convention at The Paris Hotel/Casino. It was an honor and I had a great time. A very special THANK YOU to Bill Hurter, who's the big man of that organization, and editor of RANGEFINDER magazine. He has trusted me to give my first presentation at the event and I don't think I let him down at all. I got some really nice reviews and I hope to be back next year with my part deux! Thanks Bill!

Also a huge THANK YOU to Becker Photographer of the O.C. who invited me to his party at THEhotel near Mandalay Bay. Some of the photographers I respect in the business including Jim Kennedy, Mike Colon, Cliff Mautner and many many others were there. I was honored to be in their company and not to mention a really fun party! Becker served Peeps, which happen to be my favorite marshmallow Easter treat! Also I had plenty of cocktails and left feeling pretty good! Becker is extremely talented - see his BLOG at Becker is the man responsible for me getting my own blog going, among so many other things. Thanks [b], you are absolutely one of my greatest inspirations in this business!

Here's a shot from my hotel room - nice view of the Eiffel Tower!

I LOVE the Bellagio water show. I mostly like watching other people, watching the show! You should see the looks of amazement you get from the other people! It's awesome.

Finally, here's just a pretty shot of a tree with pretty flowers. :)

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